MIICE and games in the classroom

Can MIICE help to articulate and focus the benefits which can be derived from using games in an appropriate context in the classroom?

What are the benefits of using games as part of learning?

Derek Robertson is National Adviser for Emerging Technologies and Learning at Learning and Teaching Scotland; Derek was also involved in the original development of the MIICE toolbox

Derek Robertson on a more personalised and engaging learning experience

Personalisation and ownership

You can download a Word file with the transcript of the interview here

Transcript for question 1

Derek Robertson on a more creative approach to learning


You can download a Word file with the transcript of the interview here

Transcript for question 2

What might MIICE help you to focus on?

The examples of practice using games which follow are available on the iTunes U part of the iTunes store; it offers free educational materials for download

  1. Launch iTunes software
  2. Click on iTunes Store (below Store in the column at the left)
  3. Click on the iTunes U tab at the top of the store window
  4. Type LTS into the search box in the top/right corner of the window and press Return/Enter
  5. Click on Games-based Learning to produce the list of materials related to use of games-based learning

A MIICE selection

Learner reflection: ability to articulate evaluations of actions taken: articulation of pros and cons - eg Can the children/young people describe the value and drawbacks of alternative approaches when using ICT, orally and in writing?

Guitar Hero - Context for learning

In this 225 second video, you can hear teachers and children talk about the benefits of using Guitar Hero as a focus for a wide range of aspects of their learning

Managing and manipulating digital information: a problem solving approach: articulation of coping strategies - eg Are the children/young people able to explain or describe to their teacher and/or peers how they go about sorting things out?

Myst - The pupil experience of the paired writing task

In this 127 second video you can hear from the teacher and the children about how the P7 children worked with P2 children in Kintore School to enhance everyone's writing skills

Investigatory learning: task analysis skills: project refinement - eg Are the children/young people systematic in refining tasks to be undertaken into manageable steps when they are using ICT to help?

Guitar Hero - Writing plans

In this 124 second video clip, you can hear from the teacher and some of the children how they made plans for the work they did using Guitar Hero - and how they enjoyed planning!

Shared learning: working in groups: value added through working in groups - eg Do the children/young people benefit from working in groups through mutual assistance and peer support when using ICT?

Dr Kawashima - has it helped to foster collegiality in the class?

In this 138 second video clip, you can hear from P5 and P6 children and their teachers how using Dr Kawashima has helped the children to be concerned about others as well as their own performance

Motivation: enterprise and active participation in their own learning: keen to try new approaches - eg Are the children/young people keen to try new approaches to their school work when they have help from ICT?

Motivating children's writing with Myst

In this 143 second video clip, Anna Rossvoll of Aberdeenshire Council and a teacher from Kintore School speak about the impact on standards of writing of using Myst to help the children to stimulate their writing; the children are comfortable

Derek Robertson on MIICE and games

MIICE and games

You can download a Word file with the transcript of the interview here

Transcript for question 3