E. The MIICE outcomes related to continuing professional development in ICT for educational professionals
13. Teacher use of ICT as a rich and effective means of learning
This relates to skills in the selection, customisation or configuration and best use of appropriate software tools (generic software, communications facilities like the Web, reference CD-ROMs) and ready-made software appropriate to subject/theme
Here is a small number of illustrations from Scottish schools of 2 of the 3 components. In each case there is one or more related capacities associated with A Curriculum for Excellence
13. Teacher use of ICT as a rich and effective means of learning: skills in selection, customisation or configuration and best use of appropriate software tools (generic software, communications facilities like the web, reference CD-ROMs) and ready-made software appropriate to subject theme
Laurence Young is the principal teacher of drama at Dyce Academy near Aberdeen. He has been using digital video with his first-year pupils as part of the 'characterisation' unit. The children script, film and edit a 'Fairytale News' programme. Laurence used to be the school Luddite as far as ICT is concerned. However, digital video technology has inspired him and he is now training other teachers to use it and making information videos for the school
Creating a 'Fairytale News' bulletin
"the pupils demonstrated an increased understanding of characterisation and are getting a good introduction to media studies" (Laurence Young of Dyce Academy)
A Curriculum for Excellence
- Effective contributors: communicate in different ways and in different settings
Janice Levens, then a modern languages teacher at Greenock Academy, has created exercises using Microsoft PowerPoint and the 'Hot Potatoes' program for her S1 pupils to do on the computer in order to revise telling the time in French. Hot Potatoes is a program available to download from the internet, which allows users to create interactive multiple choice, fill-in-the-gap, crossword and matching/ordering exercises
French time telling using Hot Potatoes
"the pupils, particularly the boys, were motivated and stayed on task. She had to keep more of an eye on those using the worksheets to make sure that they were concentrating" (Janice Levens, then of Greenock Academy)
A Curriculum for Excellence
- Confident individuals: relate to others and manage themselves
13. Teacher use of ICT as a rich and effective means of learning: development of new teaching styles
Heather Waldron works for the Scottish Borders Language Support Service. She uses a digital still camera to take photographs of a small group of children making chocolate biscuit fudge cake in Coldstream Primary School. She organises the photos into a PowerPoint presentation and uses it with the group later in the day, to prompt recall of the baking activity and to reinforce sequencing
Using a digital camera for sequencing activity
"She uses each presentation at least twice and takes care to add extra effects - animations, sounds or music - the second time round, so there is always something new to interest the children" (Heather Waldron, language support teacher with Scottish Borders Council)
A Curriculum for Excellence
- Successful learners: use technology for learning
In today's session at Dedridge Autism Base in Livingston, Kathleen Togneri and Linda Berrie are working with 3 autistic boys. First, Linda uses a digital video camera to record the pupils' interaction in the soft play area. Then she uses iMovie to edit the footage, keeping only the positive interactions to show to two of the boys. The boys discuss what they did and how well they followed instructions during the activity. This session is also filmed by Linda and she reviews it later with Kathleen as part of her ongoing practice assessment
Using digital video to review and assess positive behaviour
"the boys selected and identified the video clips of their own interactions and responded very positively to the session" (Linda Berrie of Dedridge Primary)
A Curriculum for Excellence
- Successful learners: use technology for learning
Grove Academy, Dundee's principal teacher of computing, Kenny Stewart, has created an online scenario based on the novel Buddy by Nigel Hinton (Puffin Books, 1994). In today's English lesson, S2 pupils studying Buddy are introduced to the scenario and begin to work through it with help from Kenny and their English teacher. The scenario invites the pupils to become reporters travelling through Buddy's world, finding out information about different aspects of the novel and completing exercises that allow them to move on to new locations and new parts of the adventure
Online scenario for use as an English resource
"it is particularly helpful that pupils can work at their own pace. In a normal class she might set an exercise to be done in 10 minutes and inevitably some pupils finish early and others do not complete it" (Caroline Dick of Grove Academy)
A Curriculum for Excellence
- Successful learners: learn independently and as part of a group
Margaret Ferguson is a mathematics teacher at Hermitage Academy in Helensburgh. Today's lesson starts with a warm-up exercise using graphic calculators to practise mental arithmetic. Following this, Margaret gives a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on an interactive whiteboard to teach angles and bearings. The pupils come up to the whiteboard to draw and calculate bearings
Graphic calculators with an interactive whiteboard
"she enjoyed using the interactive SMART Board because the teacher can address any mistakes then and there. She also finds the lesson more fun than the old pen and paper method" (S2 pupil at Hermitage Academy)
A Curriculum for Excellence
- Successful learners: use technology for learning
Yvonne Gall teaches modern languages at Wallace Hall Academy in Thornhill (Dumfries and Galloway). In today's French class the subject is the euro. She uses presentation slides and a French internet shopping site projected on to the interactive whiteboard. She also uses an interactive voting system - the Classroom Performance System (CPS) - with which pupils answer questions about the euro using remote handsets
Interactive voting, internet shopping and the Euro
"the pupils have improved their knowledge of French, have learnt new vocabulary for currency and monetary issues and have generally learnt more about foreign countries. The pupils have also improved their reading skills in French" (Yvonne Gall of Wallace Hall Academy)
A Curriculum for Excellence
- Responsible citizens: develop knowledge and understanding of the world and Scotland's place in it
13. Teacher use of ICT as a rich and effective means of learning: sufficient knowledge to overcome everyday operational problems