E. The MIICE outcomes related to continuing professional development in ICT for educational professionals

12. Teacher facilitating the learning of ICT principles and good habits

This relates to teachers'' ability to develop their role as a facilitator of learning about ICT skills, insights and attitudes, and to the teachers' ability to make realistic contributions to holistic planning of children's learning experiences in ICT

Here is a small number of illustrations from a variety of Scottish schools and education authorities of both of the components. In each case there is one or more related capacities associated with A Curriculum for Excellence

12. Teacher facilitating the learning of ICT principles and good habits: developing confidence in the role of guide in a situation of less than perfect mastery

In today's art class in Belmont Primary School in Stranraer Janice Gibson's pupils are depicting the sun and sunshine using three different media: the software package Textease Paint, water-based paints and felt-tip pens or coloured pencils. Janice views the use of ICT as a vehicle to encourage pupils' creativity and sense of fun

Creativity in art with graphic software

"the pupils used all the different computer drawing tools and even managed to find extra tools to use" (Janice Gibson, Belmont Primary)

A Curriculum for Excellence

  • Effective contributors: create and develop

In this lesson, Matt Shanks is using AppleWorks 6 database software to introduce the idea of creating a chronological list of the kings and queens of Scotland to his P6 pupils at Blackridge Primary School (West Lothian). The pupils are already familiar with the basic tools of database software. His aim today is to consolidate their understanding of how to create different field types and how to include a calculation field

Consolidating database skills with Scottish monarchs

"using a database is a useful way of keeping records instead of writing them down on paper" (P6 pupil at Blackridge Primary)

A Curriculum for Excellence

  • Effective contributors: create and develop

Billy Flynn is an IT officer for Angus Council Education Department. For 4 years he has been running an evening computer club at Arbroath Academy. The 6 club members, aged between 11 and 16 years, are currently working on a digital video project - a weather forecast - for which they have prepared a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. In this evening's session they take it in turns to present the weather forecast and operate the equipment

Digital video project about the weather forecast

"having used PowerPoint with the IT club is a great help when it comes to preparing PowerPoint presentations at school" (Billy Flynn, Angus Council)

A Curriculum for Excellence

  • Effective contributors: communicate in different ways and in different settings

12. Teacher facilitating the learning of ICT principles and good habits: balancing the established traditions of professional discretion and holistic planning for the benefit of learners through a whole school approach to the progressive acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes

Albert Baeumel teaches an Internet Studies Advanced WebPortfolio (ISAW) course to S5 and S6 pupils at St Maurice's High School in Cumbernauld. Two of Albert's former pupils are hosting an open day for younger pupils - to showcase some of the projects that they have been involved in and to encourage the younger pupils to join the course next year

Internet Studies Advanced WebPortfolio (ISAW) course

"both Andrew and Chris gave good presentations and managed to give a clear explanation of the software they used in their projects" (Albert Baeumel of St Maurice's High)

A Curriculum for Excellence

  • Effective contributors: communicate in different ways and in different settings