D. The MIICE outcomes related to the management of learning
10. Self esteem/confidence
This relates to schools', teachers' and school managers' policies and practices in helping learners to feel a sense of community, to take pride in their work and to be willing to experiment
Here is a small number of illustrations from a variety of Scottish schools and education authorities of each of the 3 components. In each case there is one or more related capacities associated with A Curriculum for Excellence
10. Self esteem/Confidence: use of ICT to enhance school ethos
10. Self esteem/Confidence: encourage pride in work
Iain Stanger is a PE teacher at Banchory Academy. He is incorporating the use of the Dartfish Dart Trainer video analysis software into a 55-minute basketball lesson for a co-ed S3 Standard Grade PE class containing 26 pupils of mixed ability
Video analysis of a basketball lesson
"The pupils were able to see an extremely large image projected onto the wall and this made the analysis easier" (Iain Stanger of Banchory Academy)
A Curriculum for Excellence
- Successful learners: make reasoned evaluations
10. Self esteem/Confidence: encourage enterprise and the exploration of new approaches
Russell Williams teaches a composite P6/P7 class at Sheuchan Primary School in Stranraer. As a way of developing his pupils' creative use of language, he has devised an animation project. The pupils write their own scripts, make models out of clay and produce a short stop-frame animation using a webcam and Pinnacle Studio editing software
Making animations to develop creative language skills
"the pupils interacted and worked together very well" (Russell Williams, Sheuchan Primary School)
A Curriculum for Excellence
- Successful learners: use literacy, communication and numeracy skills
Alice Mullay teaches music to pupils from early years to S4 at Baltasound Junior High School in Unst in Shetland. This class, with a group of 12 P3 and P4 pupils, is part of a project on minibeasts. The pupils compose short musical themes for a variety of minibeasts and record them onto minidisk. In the studio, Alice transfers the themes to the computer and then works with the pupils on arranging the tracks to create a final minibeast composition
Arrange minibeast themes into a musical composition
"technology gives added excitement and that producing a CD takes music into the real world" (Alice Mullay, Baltasound Junior High)
A Curriculum for Excellence
- Effective contributors: create and develop