No contributions at present
Derek Robertson spoke at the MIICE conference in May 2004 about using MIICE in initial teacher education, at the University of Dundee. In the Zip archive, start with ReadMeFirst.rtf and run the PowerPoint presentation called MIICE_21May04.ppt
Download the Zip file (9 PowerPoint files, 1 RTF file, 1 HTML document, 2 PDF files, 3 Word files)
Paul O'Hara of Moray House School of Education in the University of Edinburgh was commissioned to prepare some research reports about the first 5 years of the MIICE partnership. Paul produced 4 reports, which can be downloaded as Word files
Download paper 1: The Evolution of the MIICE Partnership as an Agent for Enhancing Quality in Education
Download paper 2: The validation of an instrument for assessing quality in the educational use of ICT
Download paper 3: Teachers' Perceptions of Quality Indicators for Use of ICT
Download paper 4: Synergies with the MIICE framework: an exercise in enhancing quality in education
Tony van der Kuyl, Director of SITC, has writen a short paper "Notes on Technologies". This covers the learning benefits of podcasting, web logs in education, wikis in education, RSS and instant messaging for learning
Download Notes on Technologies
No contributions at present
No contributions at present
No contributions at present
Malcolm Hunt of Becta gave those who attended the November 2004 MIICE conference an outline of the work of the ImpaCT2 programme and subsequent research activities into connections between ICT and attainments
Download the PowerPoint presentation (34 slides)