"To contribute to the debate about the ends of more widespread use of ICT for learning and teaching. Use of ICT makes real demands - in money and time - on education authorities, schools, teachers and children. We need to be clearer about the benefits which we can anticipate"

The MIICE partners
MIICE toolboxes
MIICE support materials
MIICE discussion papers
MIICE newsletters
Miscellaneous MIICE materials
MIICE subject guides
MIICE case studies
MIICE DIY questionnaire

Introduction to MIICE
Download an introduction to MIICE as an AppleWorks file
Download an introduction to MIICE as a Word file

MIICE - an interactive paper

This interactive paper illustrates, through material, including case studies from the national priorities website and Learning and Teaching Scotland's ICT in education website, what the skills and insights which are articulated through MIICE's quality framework looks like on the ground in real Scottish schools.
Click here to view

To contact MIICE
Email:  info@miice.org.uk
Post:  Roddy Stuart, Flat 3/1, 13 Ruthven Street, GLASGOW G12 9BY
Phone:  0141-339 7127

SITC case studies

The MIICE project grew out of observation of evidently good practice in the use of ICT to promote learning and teaching across Scotland in the late 1990s