MIICE subject guides: secondary music
Aileen Monaghan of King's Park Secondary School in Glasgow offers advice to other music teachers about ways in which MIICE could be useful. The audio files featuring Aileen's comments are available in both QuickTime and MP3 formats. The subject guide contains links to 8 elements of music teaching using ICT at King's Park Secondary from the National Priorities website
NB to download MP3/QuickTime files PC users Right-Click, Mac users Ctrl-Click
Download the MIICE secondary music guide in AppleWorks (10 pages)
Download the MIICE secondary music guide in Word (10 pages)
Play/Download the QuickTime audio file MIICE_for_policy
Play/Download the QuickTime audio file MIICE_for_S2
Play/Download the QuickTime audio file MIICE_for_SG
Play/Download the MP3 audio file MIICE_for_policy
Play/Download the MP3 audio file MIICE_for_S2
Play/Download the MP3 audio file MIICE_for_SG